Pulaski County Poor Farm 2009

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Superintendent's Contract (1933)

The following is a transcription of the contract between Pulaski County and John W. Ichord concerning his tenure as Superintendent of the Pulaski County Poor Farm. The contract is recorded in full in the 1933 County Court Minutes Ledger, and was located by Melissa Bushley during a research session January 6, 2010.
Contract with John W. Ichord, Superintendent of the County Farm

This agreement made and entered in _____ by and between the County of Pulaski, State of Missouri, under order of the County Court of said Pulaski County, Missouri made at the regular August term of said County Court, and the same bring on the 10th day of August, 1933, and fourth day of said term
party of the first part, and John W. Ichord, of the County of Pulaski, State of Missouri, party of the second part. Witnesseth, that the party of the first part for and in consideration of the terms herein after expressed has on the 10th day of August, 1933 leased and rented to the party of the second part the following real estate in the County of Pulaski, State of Missouri, for a term
beginning on the first day of January, 1934 and ending on the 31st
day of December, 1937. The northwest quarter of the northeast quarter lot one of the northwest quarter, the north half of lot two of the northeast quarter, and part of the north, and part of lot one of the southwest quarter of section 31, Township 36, of Range 11, containing in all 278 acres and known as the (County Farm) and the party of the first part does hereby hire and employ the part of the second part as Superintendent of said County Farm, and as Superintendent and caretaker of the inmates on said farm or that may be on said farm at any time during the term of this contract. Party of the first part agrees to furnish any needed beds or bedding for the rest and comfort of the inmates on said farm, and also furnish stores needed and fixtures for the same in the houses and buildings used and occupied by the inmates on said farm.

Party of the first part gives party of the second part the right to cut timber on said farm, except on that part herein reserved, for the ______ to be used in the repairing of fencing on said farm.

Party of the first part agrees to pay party of the second part the sum of ten dollars per month for each person on said farm as an inmate of said farm and sent there by an order of the County Court of said Pulaski County, for boarding, clothing and taking care of each of said persons in a humane
and suitable manner, and the settlement thereof to be made at each Regular term of the County Court of said County after the party of the second part takes charge as said Superintendent, Party of the first part agrees to furnish said party of the second part any lumber, wire, hardware, or other material needed for the repair of the buildings or fencing on said farm. Party of the first part reserves the right enter upon the north half of the northwest quarter of Section 33. Township 36 of Range 11, for the purpose of cutting and hauling away any timber needed for road or bridge repairs, as to the party of the first shall deem necessary. Party of the first part agrees to furnish the inmates of said farm with the care of physician when needed and to furnish all medicine needed in the judgment of the party of the first part and it's physician. Party of the first part does hereby restrict and prohibit party of the second part from subletting any part of said farm, or any other duties developing upon party of the second part under this contract.

That he will use all ordinary care in protecting and ____ all buildings, fencing, and other _____________ on said farm, that he will pay said party of the first part for the use of said buildings that he occupies and of the said farm the sum of $15 each year in cash, and that he will pay said amount in four equal installments during the year, said payments to be made at each regular term of the County Court of said County.

Party of the second part agrees that he will and cultivate said farm in a suitable manner for the raising of good crops and at the same time to maintain and improve the fertility of the thereon, that he will keep all fencing and other improvements in good repair, when material is furnished by party of the first part, except that the party of the second part is to make all _____ needed for fencing on said land and any other fencing____ that may be needed and that can be made from the timber on said farm, in the making and using said _____ timber, party of the second part shall use such judgment in the cutting thereof, so that the best timber shall be conserved for commercial purposes, party pf the second part also ______ that he will haul away any and all material that may __________________________ furnished for the said farm by the party of the first part.

The party of the second part agrees that he will give his personal attention to the care and keeping of all the persons on said farm when he enters thereon, or that may thereafter be placed on said farm as county charges by order of the County Court of said County, for the price and sum of $10.00 per month for each, and for said sum, he will board, clothe, keep and treat in a suitable and humane manner each and all of said inmates, and that he will carefully look after their wants and needs, and that he will see that in their illness they are properly taken care of, and that in all things party of the second part shall use such care and treatment of said unfortunates as shall be their just and right under the premises.

Party of the second part shall have the right to accept any work or labor that any of the inmates may be able to perform on said farm, or about the premises therein, without injury or inconvenience to said inmates. It is understood by and between the parties hereto that in the event that party of the second part, or his wife, should die during the term of this contract, then this contract may be terminated at that time. Party of the second part agrees to keep strict account of all expenses and bills.

In witness whereof the parties hereto have on this the 5th day of September, 1933, set their hands and seals, John S Zumwalt, Lee Hobbs, G.W. Berry, Judges of the County Court.

Herbert Still
Clerk of the County Court

John W. Ichord
Party of the second part

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